Atari Address- ICAR-ATARI Zone-IV Patna ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Zone-IV, Patna
Host Institute Name- Bihar Agricultural University Bhagalpur, Bihar
Pin Code- 851205
Preview- "Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Khagaria has been established on 11th February, 2012 and is situated in the Parmanandpur village in Khagaria block under Khagaria sub-division. It is located at a distance of 3 km from the Khagaria railway station and 1.5 km from the district collectoriate. Khagaria district is situated in the east central part of Bihar at a latitude 86º 28' 27"" E and longitude 25º 30' 30"" N in the agro-climatic Zone-II, has an area of 1486 sq km (147799 ha). It has extended length of 23 km from north to south while width from the east to west is 48 km. The district is surrounded by Khagaria district in the north, Munger and Begusarai in the south, Bhagalpur and Madhepura in the east and Begusarai and Samastipur in the west.
The district has 7 blocks and 2 subdivisions and has population of 17 lakhs (2011 census) of which farmers population is approx 1.23 lakh while agricultural labourer population is 2.57 lakh.. As far as the land use pattern is concerned, wheat is the prominent rabi crop in the district. Due to floods and water logging, the paddy production is very low, except in the southern part of the district. Maize is grown abundantly almost throughout the district, while banana cultivation as a cash crop, has grown into prominence in last two decades. Apart from these mango and litchi orchards are abundant in this district and are found almost throughout the entire area. Apart from these rearing of milch cattle had been a traditional occupation in this area."
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Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Khagaria At- Parmanandpur, Po- Koshi College, District- Khagaria
View On mapContact Name: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Khagaria,
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