Kalonji or Nigella sativa Cultivation and farming

Kalonji or Nigella sativa Cultivation  and farming
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Kisaan Helpline

Soil Nov 04, 2015

Nigella sativa 'Black Cumin'

Kalonji को  nigella sativa भी कहा  जाता  है छोटे काले Kalonji बीज झाड़ियों पर होते है जो व्यापक रूप से मध्य भारत में उगाया जाता है

Name of Variety: Kalonji

Crops Season: Rabi Season (Start from oct-nov to mar-april)

Yield: 3-3.5 kg/ acre

Duration: 130 - 150 days

Water:  kalonji (kuranji) is a ayurvedic crop. This needs 6 time irrigation in 20-25 day gape. It’s seed like as onion seeds. height is 3-4 feet .


Sowing: Sow in spring through summer and in autumn. 

India, Pakistan, Afghanistan – it’s used as a seasoning in the same way that salt and pepper are used in the West.

For more visit: http://www.kisaanhelpline.com/crops/product/19_Kalonji#%28Nigellasativa%29

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