India's First Farmer Community Network


किसानों के हितकारी, देश भर में तकनीक हमारी

What We Do

A digital platform to improve life of farmers in India with technology and community for sustainable agriculture.

Kisaan Helpline is an emerging startup in the agriculture sector, dedicated to assisting farming communities in increasing the efficiency and sustainability of their agricultural operations. We have been providing our services in the agriculture sector since the year 2014..

Kisaan Helpline connects progressive farmers and common people of the rural class across the country and helps them bring stability to any agricultural work. We help farmers integrate more than ever and give them the right information at the right time. We give farmers the right information at the right time from sowing their crops, field preparation, rearing and crop protection to harvesting.

About Our Kisaan Helpline App

Kisaan Helpline App is a useful application designed to help farmers. This app provides many important information and services related to agriculture, which helps farmers in their farming. The main features and benefits of this app are as follows:

  • Mandi Bhav: Through the app, farmers can check the latest market prices of various mandis, which helps them get the right price for their produce.
  • Weather Information:Farmers can get information about weather forecasts and current conditions on this app.
  • Advice and Solutions: The app has a special section to get free advice and solutions to problems from agricultural experts.
  • Agriculture News:This app is an excellent source for the latest news and updates related to agriculture
  • Crops and Farming:Information about various crops, growing methods, and use of fertilizers and pesticides is available on this app.
  • Soil Testing:Farmers can get information to check the quality of their soil and choose the appropriate crop based on it.
  • Digital Magazine: There are various digital e-magazines available in the app which farmers can purchase and read whenever and wherever they want.

Latest News

रबी फसल के बाद कम समय में ज्यादा मुनाफा! ये फसलें बन सकती हैं किसानों की बड़ी आय का जरिया"

रबी फसल के बाद कम समय में ज्यादा मुनाफा! ये फसलें बन सकती है...


रबी फसलों की कटाई के बाद किसान अक्सर अपने खेत खाली छोड़ देते हैं, लेकिन थोड़ी सी समझदारी और सही फसल चक्र अपनाकर वे कम समय में अच्छी कमाई कर सकते हैं। कृषि विशेषज्ञों की मानें तो गेहूं और दलहन की कटाई के तुरंत बाद मूंग, तिल, चीना और ढैंचा जैसी फसलों की खेती किसानों को दोगुना लाभ दे सकती है।यह फसलें 4...

Our Partners


1.Agriculture Network

Bringing businesses together. Connecting agriculture, people, businesses and organizations.

2. Agriculture B2B Community

One of the world's most active agribusiness communities. We expand a vibrant and sustainable online agriculture community.

3. Leading Platform

Multiple communication channels including e-magazines, online trade shows, social media & partner outlets.

4. Influencer Marketing

A global network of agriculture influencers generates business synergy that helps agriculture businesses grow and expand.

5 Agriculture Events

Developing successful strategies to access domestic and global agriculture markets, organized by our leaders and partners

Smart farming and agriculture app for farmers is an innovative platform that connects farmers and rural communities across the country.

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