Vikas Singh Sengar
19-12-2022 02:43 AMRashmi priya, Shivani kumari, Shivani kumari, Bandana kumari and Prerna Bhargav
1. Student, B.Sc. (Ag.) 4th year, Shivalik Institute of Professional Studies, Dehradun
2. Assistant Professor, Shivalik Institute of Professional Studies, Dehradun
ZBNF is a set of farming methods, and also a grassroots peasant movement, which has spread to various states in India.
According to the “zero budgets” concept, farmers won’t have to spend any money on fertilizers and other agricultural inputs.
Four Wheels of ZBNF
Astra’s of ZBNF against pest attacks
Smart farming and agriculture app for farmers is an innovative platform that connects farmers and rural communities across the country.
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