Wheat - एम.पी.ओ. 1106 (सुधा) MPO 1106

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Crops Season: Rabi Season (समय से बोनी)(Start from 10 - 25 November)

Name of Variety: एम.पी.ओ. 1106 (सुधा)

A quantity of Seed: On average, 30-35 kg sowing will be suitable for sowing per acre

Yield: 55-60  (क्विं. प्रति हे.)

Duration: 115-120  दिनों में

Area of Cultivation (State): Sows in all states of India

A need of Water: Irrigation is enough 3 to 4 times 

Key Characteristics: मध्यम उंचाई की दाना आकर्षक व अंबर तथा रोगो के प्रति सहनशील (Mid-high density is attractive and tolerant to amber and disease)

Feature: कठियां गेहूँ की उन्नत किस्म (Difficulties: advanced varieties of wheat)

Description: 2-3 cm when planting seeds Should be sown in depth, which provides adequate moisture for germination. The distance of the queue from the queue is 20 cm Should keep The average amount of seed for this is 100 kg/ha. Keep the quantity according to the size of the seed or the size of the queue and the distance of the queue is 18 cm. Keep it.

Most of the species producing Bonnie and more species of Mexican wheat are better for planting time and late for irrigated conditions.

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