Crops Season: Rabi Season (अगेती)(Start from 15 October to 31 October)
Name of Variety: एच. आई 1500 (अमृता)
Quantity of Seed: On average, 30-35 kg sowing will be suitable for sowing per acre
Yield: 16-18 (क्विं. प्रति हे.)
Duration: 130-135 दिनों में
Area of Cultivation (State): Sows in all states of India
A need of Water: Rainfall
Key Characteristics: एच.डब्ल्यू 2004 एवं सुजाता के समान है दाना बड़ा, शरबती, चमकदार, रोगों के प्रति सहनशील तथा मध्यम ऊँचाई की प्रजाति| (H.W. 2004 and Sujata are similar to Dana, Sharbati, Shiny, tolerant and medium height species for diseases.)
Feature: Suitable for unrestricted condition and chapati.
Description:- There are also some areas in un-irrigated areas where one or two irrigation tools are available. In such a case, the wheat bunny can be delayed in these un-irrigated areas (till 10 November). Good castes have developed for unincorporated areas, which are superior to them in diseases and quality, as well as the ability to bear more heat and less moisture in these varieties.
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