Soybean - VL Soya -1

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Crops Season : Kharif Season 

Name of Variety : VL Soya -1

Yield : 20-25  (क्विं. प्रति हे.)

Duration : 110-113 दिनों में

Water requirement : Water is not required in kharif season, but it is necessary to require 1 or 2 irrigation as per requirement.

Area of Cultivation (State) : Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal

Specialty : Tolerant to Cercospora leaf spot

Shape and type : White flowers, tawny pubescence, black seed coat, medium tall and determinate

Description : Soybean is a crop. It is considered as the oilseed crop instead of pulses.Soybean beans should be in queues. Distance of the queue 30 cm "For Bonnie varieties" and 45 cm Suitable for large varieties. After 20 queues, the waste should be left vacant for water purifier and moisture protection. Seed 2.5 to 3 cm Sow deep Seeds and manure should be sown separately, so that the germination capacity is not affected.

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