Crops Season : Kharif Season
Name of Variety : Pant Soybean 1024
Yield : 25-30 (क्विं. प्रति हे.)
Duration : 115-118 दिनों में
Water requirement : Water is not required in kharif season, but it is necessary to require 1 or 2 irrigation as per requirement.
Area of Cultivation (State) : Northern plain zone
Specialty : Resistant to YMV, rust, bacterial pustules and Rhizoctonia aerial blight.
Shape and type : White flowers, tawny, pubescence, narrow leaves, determinate, brown hilum, resistant to pod shattering.
Description : The time is up to the first week of July in the last week of June, for proper sprouting, the soil should be suitable moisture up to 10 cm depth. After the first week of July, the seed rate should increase by 5 to 10 percent of the seed. In the initial stage of pests, sprinkle 35-40 days of sowing and 50-55 days after planting of Bt and breweries based biological pesticides 1 kg or 1 liter per hectare for biological control. N.P.V. Mix 250Le equivalent of 500 liters of water and make perfusion per hectare. Exchanging organic pesticides instead of chemical pesticides is beneficial.
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