Soybean - Birsa soy 1

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Crops Season : Kharif Season 

Name of Variety : Birsa soy 1

Yield : 20-24  (क्विं. प्रति हे.)

Duration : 110  दिनों में

Water requirement : Water is not required in kharif season, but it is necessary to require 1 or 2 irrigation as per requirement.

Area of Cultivation (State) : Uplands of Jharkhand state

Specialty : Moderately resistant to Bacterial pustule and bacterial blight, resistant to soybean mosaic, yellow mosaic and Cercospora leaf spot

Shape and type : Determinate plants with white flowers, dark green leaves and black seeds with dull white hilum

Description : Soybean is known as the “GOLDEN BEAN” and Soybeans belong to the legume crop  family and are basically native to East Asia. It’s botanical name is “Glycine max “  Soybean is an exceptionally nutritive and very rich protein food. Soybean oil is one of the most popular edible oil used in India. Soya also used as milk product and available in the form of soya chunks which is also called “meal maker” in India.

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