Name of Variety: Hybrid a.h. 421 (P.EH.M. 5)
Release Year: 2004 (CVRC)
Approved areas: Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu
Conditions: For general sowing and waterlogged areas
Area Of Cultivation: In all states of India
Duration: 78-82 Days
Average yield: 50-60 quintal / hectare (seed yield)
Sowing Season: Jun To Sep
Features: This hybrid variety is fast-growing (78-82 days) and also performs well in the phase of water filler and gives higher yields in higher amount of nitrogen.
Description: Agriculture scientists of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa say that maize is cultivating the benefits. Due to the growing demand of maize, the price is good in the market. It cultivates double benefits, because its plant can be used for animal feed. Mecca is a delicious nutritious diet and is free from the effects of pesticides due to the coagulated leaves. Phosphorus is abundant in this. Apart from this, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, iron and vitamins are also found.
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