BAJARA 11 (बाजरा 11)

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The bajra (बाजरा) yields, under irrigated conditions, touched 25 to 30 quintals per acre and 15 quintals under rain-fed conditions. With the demand from poultry feed industry growing, the price of coarse also looked up and reached Rs. 1,100 a quintal. Jowar is also another promising crop in the district. Unlike bajra, jowar crop took 100 to 110 days and could be cultivated only between September and January. Ch. S.R. Murthy of Nagalapuram, who cultivates bajra and jowar, says farmers should shift to coarse grain in the traditional areas of black cotton soil of the district since jowar area in Maharashtra is shrinking due to good support for cotton and soybean. According to Mr. Murthy, farmers should follow the cropping trends in different areas for profitable agriculture.


Typical Condition for Growth of Bajra

Across the world, bajra is grown over an area of 260,000 sq kms and 50% of the millet production is related to bajra. This particular crop grows in the dry regions of the country and the ideal temperature range for its growth is within 25 – 31 deg C. Rainfall required for its growth is between 40-50 cms annually. Best production is when there is slight rainfall after which there is sunshine for rapid growth of the crop. It may not sustain the rainfall of more than 100 cms. The land condition required for good production is shady environment, black or red upland gravelly soils and can produce finely without irrigation even. Due to this crop being a kharif crop, people can go for its cultivation during the months of May and September, possible to be cultivated along with other crops such as jowar, cotton and ragi.

In India, Tamil Nadu is the highest producer of this staple crop and this is followed by Uttar Pradesh. It would be better to grow such crops in areas which are fertile. Also, many other components are possible to be included such as salinity and soil pH.

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