आर सी आर 435 (धनिया)

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Crops Season: धनिया बोने का सबसे उपयुक्त समय अक्टूबर से नवम्बर है

Name of Variety: आर सी आर 435

Yield: 11 - 12 उपज(क्विं./हे.)

Duration: 110-130 Days

Area of Cultivation (State) : Madhya Pradesh, Rajsthan , Maharastra, Tamilnadu,Gujrat,UP, Andhra Pradesh 

Need of Watter: Only 4 - 5 Time Water is Sufficient

Feature: दाने बड़े, जल्दी पकने वाली किस्म, पौधों की झाड़ीनुमा वृद्धि, उकठा, स्टेमगाल, भभूतिया सहनशील

(Roots, large, quick-ripe varieties, bushy growth of plants, boiled, stem-mangled, bhujatiya tolerant)

Description: Coriander, also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. This is mainly due to early breeding varieties of this kind of plants Bushy growth.


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