Raghvendra Kumar kushwaha

11-01-2023 03:23 AM

Raghvendra Kumar Kushwaha 
M.Sc. (Agri.) Soil Science
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences

Nano urea is a sort of liquid nature fertilizer that is produced using nanotechnology. This is the “first Nano urea liquid fertilizer in the world”. This was initially constructed in Kalol “Nano Bio-technology Research Center” (Gujarat). On May31,2021, IFFCO(Indian Farmers Fertilizer Co-operative) made a public announcement about it under the “Atmanirbhar Bharat and Atmanirbhar Krishi Yojana,” and the Prime Minister formally launched Nano urea during his visit to Kalol (Gujarat). The first use of Nano urea in 43 crops was conducted as part of the Fertilizer Control Order (FCO)on Nano urea under NARS(National Agricultural Research System), in collaboration with 20 ICAR (Indian Agricultural Research Institute) Reaearch Institutes, State Agricultural University, and KVK (Krishi Vigyan Kendra).11000 farmers employed nano urea on 94 crops in their fields for a trial. Discovered to cut urea by 50% and boost crop production by 10%.

(1) Reducing the use of traditional or neem-coated urea is the primary goal of nano urea.
(2) Its primary goal was to enable Indian to become self-sufficient in the area of Nano-technology.
(3) Nano urea was developed to boost agricultural output while minimizing the effects of soil, water, and air pollution. 
(4) Its goals include increasing the farmers’ income by twofold and providing  Nano urea  to them at a reasonable cost.

Nano urea application in the field-
One 500 ml container of Nano urea is enough to treat an acre of land when used as a foliar spray to plant leaves. When using Nano urea in the field, 2-4 ml of the substance are dissolved in 1 Liter of water and sprayed into the plant’s leaves. In the farm,

Nano urea is typically used twice:-
(1) First, during the tailoring or branching stage (first spray is applied 30-35 days after sowing or 20-25 days after transplanting produce).
(2) It is applied 20-25 days following the initial spray or prior to flowering.

The field’s use of Nano urea methodology- 
Following foliar application of Nano urea to the leaves, it enters the plant through the stomata or cuticle on the leaves and the phloem. Only the amount of Nano urea required by the plant is used; the remainder is left. Plant vacuoles store Nano urea, which is then utilized by plants again when they are in need of it.

(1) Nano urea is inexpensive and simple to transport between locations.
(2) It saves the environment and lessens the need for chemical fertilizer in the field.
(3) Using Nano urea results in higher agricultural yields and greater food quality.
(4) The farmers receive low prices from it, which boosts their income.
(5) Plant nutrients are effective and efficient, increasing productivity.
(6) Nano urea reduces the need for urea by 50% while giving plant 80% of the nitrogen they need.
(7) Nano urea protects the quality of groundwater, aids with sustainable development, and reduces global warming.

Fig- Nano urea

Where to buy Nano urea-
Nano urea can be purchased for Rs.240 for one bottle. In addition to contacting their local IFFCO store, the farmer should use in to make their purchase online. For more information about Nano urea, you can call the Toll free number -1800-103-1967.(Mon-Sat:  9 AM to 6 PM) Kishan Bhai.

Difference between Nano urea and Conventional urea-

S.No. Nano urea Conventional urea

A liquid fertilizer of the nature of Nano urea.


Urea used in conventional fertilizers is a solid and amide substance.

2. Nano urea has 4% nitrogen it.

The nitrogen content of conventional urea is 46%.

3. Gives a plant 80% of the nitrogen it needs. Gives a plant 30-40% of its effective nitrogen needs.
4. A 500 ml bottle costs 240 rupees.  One bag (50 kg) could cost between 242-260 rupees.
5. It cost 10% less than traditional urea. It is more expensive than traditional urea.
6. The particle size of this substance is between 20-25 nanometers.

It comes in two varieties that are offered on the market.

  • Prilled form (Size 1.7 mm)
  • Granular form( Size > 2.5 mm)
7.               Is used as a foliar spray to the plant’s leaves.                                                 It is applied as a top dressing to the plant


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