One District One Product- Ambala


District Ambala lies on the North-Eastern edge of Haryana between 27-39”-45” North latitude and 74-33”-52” East longitude. District is subdivided into 6 blocks and 7 revenue tehsils. Blocks are Ambala, Ambala Cantt, Saha, Shahzadpur, Barara and Naraingarh.


General Census:

No. of villages: 408

Blocks: 6

Population: 1128350

Literacy Rate: 87.46%


Description of Agro-climatic Zone and major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)


1.      Dry-sub Humid Zone of Haryana State

· Average Rainfall: 1000 mm/yr.(app.)

· Ground Water Status – Dark Zone

· Temperature range - 20C – 450C

· Source of Irrigation: Tubewell (96%) & Canal (14%)

2.    Agro ecological situation

· Geographical Area (ha): 153171

· Net Sown Area (ha): 133424

· Area under crop: 62%, 66% & 8% (Rice, Wheat & Sugarcane)

· Area under Horticulture Crops: 10-12%

· Area under Agro-forestry crops: 3.32% area

· Soil type: Sandy Loam to Loamy sand


Major Crops in Ambala:


ODOP Crop of Ambala: ONION


Onion Crop has selected under ODOP Scheme for Ambala district of Haryana because total produce of onion in Ambala district is highest as compared to other districts of Haryana and also the onion cultivation is popular in this district as higher number of farmers are involved in onion cultivation and value addition. Along with local mandis Ambala has much export to other state mandis.


Area(ha): 4652

Production(qtl.): 789110

Productivity(q/ha): 169.62

Onion Cultivation:

Onion is a cash crop and it can be grown on all types of soil but for good production loamy and sandy loam soil is best. There should be proper drainage system in the field. Onion crop is Cultivated in both seasons Kharif as well as in Rabi season.


Kharif: April- May
Rabi: September- October

Seed rate:

8-10 kg seed is sufficient for 1 acre of land.

Land Preparation:

Land should be prepared until seedlings become ready for transplantation. The PH of soil should be 6-7.5 and land should have proper drainage system. Mix 20-25 tons per acre manure should be mixed after third tillage. 100:60:50 NPK is recommended dose. Before transplanting 50kg Sulfur and 5kg zinc per acre is also good for better production.



Seedling get ready to transplant after 7-8 weeks of sowing. Before transplanting seedlings should be dipped in Bavistin solution for 15 minutes. Bavistin solution made in 1 letre of water with 2g of Bavistin this protect the plant from several diseases.

Planting distance:

Row to row: 15-20 cm

Plant to plant: 10cm


 In onion irrigation depends upon soil, plant and climate condition. Light irrigation should be applied immediately after transplanting and one more light irrigation after 2 days. After that crop should be irrigated in 10-12 days interval according to requirement. Onion crop needs about 10-12 total irrigation. Moisture level should be appropriate during bulb formation. Irrigation should be stopped 2 weeks before harvesting.


Direct sown crop become ready in 140-150 days whereas transplanted crops become ready in 70-100 days for harvesting. When 50% leaves started getting yellow that will be the symbol of arrival of harvesting period.


Use of crop in district:

1.      Hair oil:

Onion is a great source of sulfur so it helps in Stress relief, Luster, Shine, Anti-hair fall, Conditioning, Hair thickening, Hair strengthening, Anti-dandruff and Hair growth that’s why onion is widely used in preparation of hair oil, shampoo and conditioners.


Direct Trading:

Most of the production of onion is directly sell to local mandis and transported to various other state mandis for better prices and to fulfill the demand. There is an online platform Indiamart ( where growers sell there produce easily on good prices.


Value addition:

Most of the people are adding value to the crops and generating extra income as onion is used to prepare Onion flakes, Onion powder, Onion paste and Onion pickle.

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