Crops Season: Rabi Season (पछेती)(Start from December to Jaunary )
Name of Variety: डी.एल. 788-2 (विदिशा)
Quantity of Seed: On average, 30-35 kg sowing will be suitable for sowing per acre
Yield: 43-45 (क्विं. प्रति हे.)
Duration: 105-110 दिनों में
Area of Cultivation (State): Sows in all states of India
A need of Water: Irrigation is enough 4 to 5 times
Key Characteristics: यह पिसी गेहूँ की नई प्रजाति है बालियां कसी दाना बड़ा एवं चमक लिये हुए, रोगो के प्रति सहनशील। (It is a new species of wheat, which is big and bright in earrings, tolerant towards diseases.)
Feature: लोक-1 की जगह बोने हेतु नई प्रजाति जिसकी अनुशंसा भारतीय स्तर पर की गई हैं। (New species for sowing instead of Public-1, which has been recommended at the Indian level.)
Description: Nowadays, in the event of failure of the farm to evacuate the farmer, the farmers sow it till the last fortnight of December and this sequence continues till January. On average, 125 kg seed per hectare sowing. It would be appropriate to sow the seeds (for late Bonnie, increase the number of seeds of each type by 25 percent) and the distance of the queue is 18 cm. Keep it.
Late bone is the meaning of irrigated wheat at that time, ie, in the month of November, i.e., in the month of November, in the month of November, we can select the suitable castes and sow it in the month of December.
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