Crops Season : Kharif Season 

Name of Variety : MAUS 1

Yield : 25-30  (क्विं. प्रति हे.)

Duration : 95-90 दिनों में

Water requirement : Water is not required in kharif season, but it is necessary to require 1 or 2 irrigation as per requirement.

Area of Cultivation (State) : Maharashtra

Specialty : Moderately resistant to YMV, soybean mosaic, bacterial pustules and leaf spots. Moderately resistant to leaf miner, stem fly and girdle beetle

Shape and type : Determinate, white flowers, tawny pubescence, yellow seed coat, brown hilum, tolerant to pod shattering

Description : National Soybean Research Center and Various Agricultural Universities Different varieties have been developed for different areas of Soybean. Soybean cultivation is done in all the states of India, by looking at the right time table. Soybean crops require dry hot climates, soybean cultivation can be successfully done in all types of land, except for more light green and light land.

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