Atari Address- ICAR-ATARI Zone-I Ludhiana PAU Campus Ludhiana, Punjab
Host Institute Name- PAU Ludhiana
Pin Code- 141114
Preview- "Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) are the district level farm science institute for speedy transfer of technology to the farmer's fields. Krishi Vigyan Kendras aim to reduce the time lag between generation of technology at the research institutions/university & its transfer to the farmer's fields for increasing productivity and income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustained basis.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ludhiana has been established in January 2005 at Samrala on Ludhiana-Chandigarh Highway Latitude: 30°50'19.2624"" N, Longitude: 76°11'0.1284"" E,Elevation: 255.0 m at a distance of 35 K.M. from Ludhiana. KVK Ludhiana is having an operational area of 27 acres, out of which 23 acres of land is under cultivation and 4 acres of land is under buildings, roads, paths and irrigation channels. KVK runs its instructional farm on an area of 23 acres on which different kharif and rabi crops are grown and seed is produced under the seed production programme. The crops are sown, harvested and threshed according to package of practices of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The seed is graded and then packed and sold to the farmers of the area to increase the production.
KVK scientists impart short and long duration trainings to the farmers and farm women in the field to enrich the knowledge of the farmers to adopt the recommended practices. The farmers are also provided the vocational trainings on dairy farming, hybrid seed production, beekeeping, establishment of custom hiring centres, preservation of fruits and vegetables etc. to the make them self employed. The On Farm Trials are conducted at farmers field to judge the performance of University Recommendations and farmers practice.
The Frontline Demonstrations are conducted at farmer's field to educate the other farmers to adopt the new varieties, technologies and methods with the help of these demonstrations. The KVK scientists also visit the field of the farmers whenever there is pest or disease outbreak or any problem related to agriculture."
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Govt. KVK Spots
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Samrala, Dist. Ludhiana
View On mapContact Name: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Samrala, Ludhiana,
Mobile No: 01628-261597
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