Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kurukshetra

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kurukshetra

Atari Address - ICAR-ATARI Zone-II Jodhpur CAZRI Campus, Diesel Shed Road PO Krishi Upaj Mandi, Basni Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Host institute Name - CCSHAU Hisar

Pin Code - 136118

Preview KVK's - "he Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi has evolved and established a network of innovative science based institution, KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA, for human resource development to train the farmers, farm women and extension workers and to involve the Kendra in the process of technology generation with vocational courses in agriculture and allied fields. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a grass root level institution to impart need based and skill oriented short and long-term vocational training courses for agricultural clients. 

       It's also a project of ICAR for testing and transfer of agricultural technologies to bridge the gap between production and productivity. Emphasis is being laid on ameliorating the conditions of the small, marginal farmers and agricultural labourers.

      In order to serve the farming community of the district Kurukshetra, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar established Krishi Vigyan Kendra in August 1992. It has its research farm at village Dhurala, 11 Kms. away from Kurukshetra. The total area of the farm is17.3ha.

        The Kendra works on the principle of collaborative participation of Scientists, Subject Matter Specialists, Extension Workers and farmers. The training programmes are tailored to the felt needs of the clientele resources and potential growth of the area with educational dictum of 'learning by doing'.

CLIMATE: The climate of Kurukshetra district is of pronounced character, i.e. very hot in summer and remarkably cold in winter. Temperature was as high 450 C in summer and as low as  30C in winter. 

 SOILS: The land of district Kurukshetra is plain and fertile. Soils are medium to heavy in texture and pH varies from 7.0 to 8.8. the alluvial loam soil (comprising of clay, clay loam) and sandy clay is ideal for the production of wheat, paddy, potato, sugarcane, sunflower, vegetables, horticultural crops and is rightly called ""Rice Bowl"" of Haryana.

IRRIGATION: The area of the district is mostly irrigated. About 146,000 ha (94%) are is irrigated by tube wells and about 7963 ha (5.4%) area is irrigated by canals. Growing of high water requiring crops like paddy and continuous exploitation of water has depleted the ground water table enormously, which is becoming a serious problem.

 LAND USE PATTERN: Kurukshetra district has a total geographical area of 1,68, 253 ha. Out of this, 1,47,032 ha. is cultivated. The district has a heavy cropping intensity of 191 per cent. The area of Kurukshetra district is only 3.8 per cent of the state."

Official Website:

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kurukshetra

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Govt. KVK Spots



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Contact Us

Contact Name: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kurukshetra,

Mobile No: 01744-220418

Time of Visiit

All the year

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Mandsaur Bhav Mandi
Madhya Pradesh

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3700 Rs/Quintal
Mandsaur Bhav Mandi
Madhya Pradesh

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3700 Rs/Quintal
Mandsaur Bhav Mandi
Madhya Pradesh

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3700 Rs/Quintal
Mandsaur Bhav Mandi
Madhya Pradesh

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3700 Rs/Quintal

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