Atari Address - ICAR-ATARI Zone-IX Jabalpur PO Adhartal, JNKVV Campus, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Host institute Name - Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur
Pin Code - 472001
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Preview KVK's - "Tikamgarh district is located in the northern part of Madhya Pradesh. It forms the north-western part of Sagar district. It lies on the Bundelkhand Plateau between the Jamni, a tributary of Betwa and Dhasan rivers. It is surrounded in east by Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh to the West, Jhansi to North and Sagar to South. The district is divided into six blocks viz., Niwari, Pirthvipur, Baldevgarh, Palera, Jatara and Tikamgarh. Tikamgarh district comprises of 1003 villages and 459 Gram Panchayats. The total geographical area is 5.04 lac ha, out of which net sown area is 2.56 lac ha (50.07%). Forest area is 14%. Total crops cropped area 4.21 lac ha and irrigated area 2.24 lac ha (53.4%) with cropping intensity 154%. Most of the irrigated area under 75% is under well irrigation. The area under cereals, pulses and oilseeds is about 35, 25 and 40%, respectively. Out of total land holdings, 72% farmers are come under small and marginal class with 1.73 lac farmers.
Rainfall Pattern: The average annual rainfall of Tikamgarh district is 995 mm. About 90% rainfall is received in the monsoon season of July to September in about 30-35 days. Variation within the seasonal rainfall is important for crop production and rain received in the month of September is very important for crop production and crucial for the maturity of Kharif crops and sowing of Rabi crops. Delayed on set of rains, early with drawl or long dry spells is a natural phenomenon. During recent decade (2000-2010) rainfall was below the normal by 30 to 59% except the years 2003-04 and 2008-09. The district has experience rainfall deficit of 32.10% in 2004-05, 31.99% in 2005-06, in the year 2006-07 which want up to 48.69% and 58.29% in 2007-08, 2009-10 in 28.97% in the current year (2010-11) which was found 59%.
Soil Status: Tikamgarh district has maximum light (red mixed – 44%) soil followed by medium (sandy loam – 36%) and minimum black (clay–20%) soils. There is no problem of salinity in this district but nearly 7760 ha of land suffers due to mild alkalinity. Micro-nutrient deficiency is also prevalent. The fertility indices based on soil samples analysis indicates that the soils in the whole Tikamgarh district are neutral in reaction with medium EC. Majority of soils are low in organic carbon, low to medium in nitrogen, phosphorous and medium to high in potash.
Cropping System: The principal crops grown in the district are paddy, sorghum, maize, green gram, black gram, groundnut, sesame, soybean, wheat, barley, gram, field pea, lentil and mustard.The area under horticulture crops like fruits, vegetables and spices is 1265, 33297 and 3359 ha, respectively. Main horticultural crops are guava, mango, aonla, custard apple, papaya, table pea, potato, colocasia, tomato, brinjal, okra, onion, ginger, chilli, turmeric and coriander.Total live stock population in district is 10.07 lac out of which cattle’s are 4.90 lac, buffaloes 1.81 lac, sheep 0.44 lac, goat 2.82 lac and poultry birds 1.27 lac. The total water area 6952 ha in 789 tanks for fisheries."
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Govt. KVK Spots
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kundeshwar, Dist. Tikamgarh
View On mapContact Name: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tikamgarh,
Mobile No: 7683244934
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