Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jaisalmer

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jaisalmer

Atari Address - ICAR-ATARI Zone-II Jodhpur CAZRI Campus, Diesel Shed Road PO Krishi Upaj Mandi, Basni Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Host institute Name - Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University Bikaner

Pin Code - 34500

Preview KVK's –  "Looking to the agro climatic condition and inventorisation of physical and human resource of district, the following thrust area has been identified.

1. Dissemination of dry land technology for pearl millet and other Kharif crops, especially on moisture conservation and plant protection measures. 

2. To improve crop productivity through. 

1. Improve soil fertility by compost & green manuring. 

2. Introduction of improved varieties, bio-fertilizer, line sowing and other cultural practices in respect of rain-fed crops like bajra, Moong, guar and Til and rabi crops like wheat, mustard, cumin, Isbgol and Taramira. 

3. To improve technique of rain water harvesting & collect it in open water reservoirs for life saving irrigation in Kharif & Rabi crops. 

4. To promote use of minerals & vitamins to enhance productivity of cattle & sheep. 

5. To increase milk production and reduce calving interval in cattle. 

6. Dissemination of the concept of agro forestry and soil conservation technology. 

7. Upliftment of social & economic status of down trodden classes through vocational trainings. 

8. Production Technology of remunerative crops viz. cumin, mustard, Isbgol and fenugreek (Methi) and their high yielding varieties. "

Official Website:

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jaisalmer

Category :

Govt. KVK Spots


Krishi Vigyan Kendra,P.Box No.42, CAZRI Area,D

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Contact Us

Contact Name: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jaisalmer,

Mobile No: 02992-251359

Time of Visiit

Beed Mandi rates

Mandsaur Bhav Mandi
Madhya Pradesh

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Min Price :

3700 Rs/Quintal
Mandsaur Bhav Mandi
Madhya Pradesh

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Min Price :

3700 Rs/Quintal
Mandsaur Bhav Mandi
Madhya Pradesh

Market :


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Min Price :

3700 Rs/Quintal
Mandsaur Bhav Mandi
Madhya Pradesh

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Min Price :

3700 Rs/Quintal

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