Atari Address- ICAR-ATARI Zone-IV Patna ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Zone-IV, Patna
Host Institute Name- Bihar Agricultural University Bhagalpur, Bihar
Pin Code- 803110
Preview- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Harnaut (Nalanda) was established in August 1992 vide ICAR Sanction number PA/ADG/KVK/92 DATED 24TH April. The host institution of this center is Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar. But this time it comes under Bihar Agricultural University after division of the university. This Kendra is located at Patna Ranchi NH-31 at the distance of 11 Kms south from Bakhtiarpur Railway Station to Biharsharif. The nearest Railway Station is Harnaut. The district headquarters is at Biharsharif. It is situated at 25.30 degree N Latitude and 85.15 degree East Latitude in the southern part of Bihar. It comprises 20 blocks. The district has total area of 2,34,309 ha. Out of which 30,282 ha. are Tal area where only ‘Rabi’ crop is taken due to water stagnation in Kharif season. The climate is comprised of hot summer with hot waves the maximum temperature reaching upto 40-440c in April-June and minimum temperature of 40c in Dec-Jan and annual rainfall is 943.50mm of which 80% are received during June-September. The soil texture of this district is Sandy loam to clayey loam having ph range from 6.5 to 7.8 Mostly the soils of this district are low to medium in Nitrogen and Phosphorous and medium to high in Potash, Zinc deficiency is widely spread in the district. Good response of sulphur is usually visible specially in oilseeds crops. Like other KVKs the purpose of establishing K.V.K in Nalanda district is to disseminate improved technologies in agriculture and allied field such as Agriculture extension, Crop production, Agriculture engineering, Horticulture, Home Science, Plant Protection and Soil Science etc by organizing need based skill-oriented short and long-term vocational training course to the practicing farmer, rural youth and farm women. The ultimate objective of the Kendra is to increase the production of the area by adopting the following mandates.
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Govt. KVK Spots
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Harnaut, Dist. Nalanda
View On mapContact Name: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Harnaut, Nalanda,
Mobile No: 6112276000
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