Atari Address- ICAR-ATARI Zone-IV Patna ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Zone-IV, Patna
Host Institute Name- Bihar Agricultural University Bhagalpur, Bihar
Pin Code- 803214
Preview- "Krishi Vigyan Kendra Agwanpur, Barh (Patna) was established on 1st August, 1992.It is one of the leading institutions for frontline extension education mandated to organize vocational trainings in agriculture and allied vocation with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis. The center is also dedicated to organized and conducts front line demonstration in consultation with the subject matter specialists for testing, refining and documenting technologies for developing region specific and sustainable land use system. The center is working to promote and co-ordinate agricultural allied activities in farming community and to bring development among the under privileged section in a systematic, productive, sustainable and self-regenerating manner.
Patna district, in general and Tal lands, in particular is specifically popular for Rabi pulses like lentil and gram and oilseed like rapeseed-mustard. At the same time the uplands of the district is quite suitable for kharif pulses like red gram and oil seeds like castor and seasamum. Diara land of the Patna district is famous for the production of the almost all crops of Rabi and summer season but it is kharif season because Diara land is flooded during this season. The flooded region is rice in Organic matter percentage and the productivity of the area is much higher in comparison to upland without the use of organic or inorganic Mansur / fertilizer. In the past five years the production as well as productivity of these crops has increased considerably. The man reason for these yield gaps are their relegation on uncared and marginal lands under rainfed situation and imbalance use for fertilizer. Our center is making the latest agro-technologies under the prevailing agro-eco system available to farmers.
In India pulse covers 13.74% of gross cropped area and account for 6.7% of gross national production with the productivity of 565 kg/hectares where as in Bihar it covers 4.75% of gross cropped area with the productivity of 714 kg/ha.
Under oilseed in India, it covers 13% of the gross cropped area and account for 5%of gross national product with the productivity of 1013 kg/ha. Whereas in Bihar it covers 1.85% of gross cropped area with productivity of 842 kg/ha.
So, there is large scope to promote the production and productivity of pulses and oilseed in Bihar."
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Govt. KVK Spots
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Agwanpur, Barh, Dist. Patna
View On mapContact Name: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Agwanpur, Barh, Patna,
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